Monday, January 12, 2009

Stock show weather

Denverites like to exclaim, when the stock show's in town and the weather turns cold and snowy, as it did today, that we're having "stock show weather." It's a local belief that the stock show has a magical effect on the weather, bringing cold and snow to Denver with it.

Bunk, of course, and finally a genuwine scientist feller has analyzed the weather data and shown just what bunk it is.

But you just know that no one will listen to him and that every year people will exclaim in wonder at the predictable yet uncanny appearance of stock show weather. In January. Because, if the stock show weren't in town, we'd neeeevvvveeerrr have snow and cold in Denver in January.


TGirsch said...

Not to be pedantic, but the correct spelling is "gin-u-wine."

You also forgot to mention how the presence of cold and snow conclusively disproves global warming...

David said...

Good points, both of those.

Drudge likes to put big pictures and colored headlines up for every city that's experiencing record cold. Proof, of course.

TGirsch said...

One of the worst "GW is a hoax" offenders I have frequent contact with was convinced that the big ice storm in the Northeast was the death knell of AGW theory. When I pointed out that the average temperature in the Northeast could increase by thirty degrees and you would still have freezing temperatures, it didn't bother him at all. People believe what they want, I guess...